An innovative, KPI-driven management methodology
“GPS-IE®” is an innovative and practical management theorem. It describes management as “everything is algorithm, everything is business, and everything is logic”.
It simplifies complicated organizational management into a mathematical algorithm and measurable behaviors. It is an innovative management methodology that has truly risen in the field of management.
“GPS-IE® Management Improvement System” not only helps managers at all levels achieve performance results more effectively, but also assists enterprises to solve pragmatic problems in a truly mathematical, systematic, logic, result-oriented, and sustainable fashion.
GPS-IE AI Advisor
Introducing the GPS-IE Advisor, an AI-powered tool designed to guide and accelerate your implementation of the GPS-IE Management Improvement System. The AI Advisor tool takes the GPS-IE methodology to the next level, providing you with personalized guidance and support key process steps.
Try the GPS-IE Advisor today and discover how AI can help you achieve better results and transform your management approach!
International Performance Professional (IPP) Certification
IPP is a certification program based on “GPS-IE® Management Improvement System”.
The IPP certification program has three levels: Primary, Intermediate, and Senior. Since its launch in 2018, 50+ full workshops have been successfully conducted, with nearly 700 individuals obtaining the official IPP certification. Our instructional and coaching team is dedicated to equipping participants with the framework and tools to establish a simple and standard management mechanism.
George Gu, Improvement Consulting
George is a management innovator with over thirty years of working experience. He specializes in management innovation, performance improvement, talent strategy, corporate university, instructional system design, e-Learning and curriculum development.
He has served in various world-class companies such as IBM, Ericsson, HayGroup, and Qwest, as well as President of the International Society for Performance Improvement. He has been the lead on a variety of projects with various responsibilities in both countries and possesses a verifiable track record of creating proven results. George co-developed the “GPS-IE® Management System”.with Mr. Hui Ding and has since certified over 600 employees across multiple industries.
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